Saturday, October 10, 2009

Birthday Bliss!!

I wanted to blog a little about what a divine splendid day I had yesterday! I officially turned 29 for the second time yesterday!! After being 27 for 4 or 5 years in a row it only seemed fair that I moved up a couple years. This way people don't squirm oddly after I tell them my age!

The bliss began when I realized at the beginning of the week that it was much more than my typical birthday week. 'Whats a birthday week', you say? Well, when I was a kid, my genius mother found a way to stretch our celebrations out for an entire week. She called it "our birthday week". And we didn't have to do chores at all and no one could say anything mean to us. We got special privileges like sitting in the front seat of the car...which never happened for some one like me who had the misfortune of being the 4th youngest kid in the fam. All these things came to mean alot to me...especially not having to do the dishes!! And to top it all off, we got to eat birthday cake all week. The festivities only ended when the very last slice of cake was placed before the birthday girl at the end of the birthday week! It was genius...genius I tell you...that my mom thought of this idea. So now, I celebrate my birthday week every year...even though I'm not a kid anymore and no one celebrates with me. Old habits die hard, and its fun anyway.

So the bliss began when I realized on Monday that my birthday week was no typical birthday was a LUCKY birthday week!!! On Monday I checked my email and found out that I'd won a years subscription to Backstage by twittering them my most horrific audition story. And apparently that horrific story is more horrific than ANYONE ELSE'S IN THE INDUSTRY! How bout them apples? I won't go into the story now (horrific of me, I know!) but I will say that the winning of the prize on the first day of my birthday week sparked in me the hope that maybe my normal typical birthday week was in fact a very special one of a kind lucky birthday week!!! This hope was confirmed when my sister called that very day and said that she had won "best rocker" at her jobs "customer service reps rock" celebration. So it was true and real. It was a lucky week...and not just for me...but for everyone around me. Later that day I got called in for a sweet audition. I finally got called in for a job interview. Its was happening all around me. The idea came to me on Tuesday night that I should play the lotto. You know, try and see how far I could stretch my birthday luck. The jackpot had been pretty high why not. But when I realized what I should do, I also realized that it was too late to play before the drawing on that night. But in a stroke of further luck, no one hit the jackpot that night, so the prize rolled over!! My fate was set...the next drawing was to be on Friday night. And for those who don't know, Friday was the very day of my birth...and inevitably the luckiest day of the week!! So I set my sights on Friday, whilst enjoying little lucky bits of fun all week long. When friday rolled around, I had a great day...and the luck continued- An accidental round of martinis was made at the bar where my celebrations were being had, so we got free booze. Then the manager brought out a round of new shots they were testing. So we got more free booze. Its wasn't stopping!!

We were enjoying ourselves so much that I almost forgot to buy the lotto tickets. But in a stroke of more luck, I remembered sheer minutes before the time expired. A friend and I made a maddened sprint to a nearby bodega to buy some tickets just in the nick of time. With my lucky tickets in hand, I rounded out my blissful birthday night dancing to a live band at Fat Black Pusy Cat!! I didnt even get home delayed in all the MTA mess...hows that for luck?!! Once I was home, I looked at the numbers in the hopes that my luck was complete...but alas I did not win. Whomp whomp, right?? WRONG!!! It wasn't bad luck...because no one else won either. So the jackpot rolls over again!! Inevitably I will win on Tuesday night...exactly one week after my lucky premonition to play the lotto during my very special one of a kind lucky birthday week. How sweet is that???

Today the glory and luck of my birthday week has not faded one bit. I got invited to the final invited dress of the new Broadway smash revival Ragtime, starring my ridiculously talented soon to be superstar friend Q. God only knows what luck I'll run into there!! My beloved Florida Gators won the big SEC game tonight!! Things just keep flying my way. The birthday bliss is overtaking me, and I love every minute.

So here's a special wish of birthday week luck to you all, as well. May it come your way, and when it happens, may you think of me and this rockin' blog!

You know, I think this may actually last all year...which is a lovely idea!


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